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While living in London (GB) - working full time - what time and which currencies should I try to trade at the beginning (even in demo account). I am off from work till 7.30 or 8.30 in the morning and after 6-7 PM GMT.
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The most active times of the day in the FX market are the European session from 07.00 - 09.00ish London time and 13.00 - 18.00, which covers the East Coast morning session.
The Asian session opens around midnight London time. However, the Asian morning session tends to be on the slow side for the non-JPY pairs until the European market opens at 07.00.
Because of your restricted hours, I would suggest trading daily bars for the time being. You can then take your market view during the previous evening and place your trades 15/20 minutes after the European open when things have settled down just before you leave for work.
I hope it helps.