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Traders & Investors Club Meeting - 17th January 2012
It looks as though China may well be THE story for 2012. And not necessarily in a good way.
Inevitably, the Chinese construction and real estate boom may well be over. The knock-on effect will have global implications, for example, a falling demand for iron ore, copper, lumber and manpower. Losses on real estate-related investment will damage consumer confidence and undermine the domestic demand for Western imports. At the same time, there is a falling demand in the West for Chinese exports, which will contribute to the spiral of decline.
The Australian dollar is already coming off in sympathy. And from the ashes is rising the one asset that will benefit from the impending global financial crisis, the much-derided US Dollar.
Market Roundup And Open Forum
Kevin Barry of the Traders & Investors Club will be discussing his market positions for the month ahead as well as presenting our regular summary of the recent global market action and throwing the floor open for YOUR take on the current trading environment.
The Trading Entrepreneur
Neil Norton has been an entrepreneur for more than twenty years starting ventures in fields as diverse as engine diagnostics, digital music distribution and consumer electronics.
Having always had an active interest in the Stock Market, his ultimate ambition was to become a stockbroker. However, because being an employee never appealed to him, this career move was destined not to come to pass.
However, once the internet enabled the private trader to fully participate in the market, Neil recognised the potential for another profitable business so he devoted his time and energy to a study of the markets. Today, he is a successful prop trader as well as providing mentoring to other traders and managing money for private clients. Neil will also be launching a live trading room next month.
Neil's presentation will centre on the trading techniques that he has developed and uses to trade with every day. Neil's approach may well be one that you have never seen before. He will demonstrate examples of trades recorded as they happened. He will also be sharing his money management techniques, another very important weapon in the successful trader's armoury.
This is a great opportunity to see at first hand how a self-taught trader has developed his trading into a business and where he intends to take it in the future. Warts and all, as Neil puts it himself.
Your Mindset And The Market
Yes, it is absolutely true. Consistent success in the market depends almost entirely upon your mindset. A specific investment strategy is important, but with the wrong mindset we can trade the best strategy in the world and still manage to lose money.
If this sounds just a little familiar to you, make 2012 your year of change.
Viviana Oliver is a business and trader coach whose passion is the study of the trader's mindset and psychology.
She has been described by one of her colleagues as 'a dynamic and motivated coach with bundles of energy and an infectious sense of humour'. Combined with her years of experience in the Financial Services industry, she could well be what the doctor ordered.
This evening, Viviana will discuss the typical trader's journey, what the correct state of mind actually is, the reasons why we struggle with our mindsets, the value of a trading plan and what we can do to achieve our trading goals.
Make 2012 the year that you move your trading up a notch or two.
Market Roundup - 17th January 2012
Inevitably, the Chinese construction and real estate boom may well be over. The knock-on effect will have global implications, for example, a falling demand for iron ore, copper, lumber and manpower. Losses on real estate-related investment will damage consumer confidence and undermine the domestic demand for Western imports.
Your Mindset And The Market
Viviana Oliver is a business and trader coach whose passion is the study of the trader's mindset and psychology.
This evening, she discusses the typical trader's journey, what the correct state of mind actually is, the reasons why we struggle with our mindsets, the value of a trading plan and what we can do to achieve our trading goals.
Viviana may be cont

The Trading Entrepreneur
In this presentation, Neil shares the trading techniques that he has developed and uses to trade the Forex market every day.
Neil can be contacted at