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WhichWayToday Live Swing & Day Trading Workshop
Recently, we had the pleasure of inviting Dr. David Paul of WhichWayToday to present to us at the Traders & Investors Club.
You can review his presentation here:
After you have reviewed Dr. Paul's presentation, you may well find that several pieces of the trading puzzle have dropped into place for you. You will have a deeper understanding of the real reasons that most of us just can't quite reach the next level. But, more importantly, you will have learnt that there is a way forward.
What is that way?
As many of us have discovered to our cost, there are several organisations in the trader education business who are quite prepared to relieve us of a few thousand pounds in exchange for 'revealing' a few basic technical analysis techniques that can be learnt from a book in tandem with a free charting package. Then, we are abandoned to our own devices.
Isn't it funny how the market looks so different when you are sitting alone in front of your PC to how it was when you were being shown picture-perfect trade setups from the the past?
Does this model work? No, it most certainly doesn't. This approach doesn't even come close to addressing the core reasons why, as emotional beings, we enter the trading arena the market severely disadvantaged from the get-go.
How can I become the trader that I want to be?
There are very few educators in the trading community that we here at the Traders & Investors Club would recommend. However, Tom Hougaard and Dr David Paul are amongst that few. Unlike most of their contemporaries, Tom and Dr. Paul are first and foremost traders themselves. Furthermore, they are not interested in getting you in and out of the door as quickly as possible whilst relieving you of as much money as they can on your way through.
After viewing Dr. Paul's presentation, it will be clear to you that he and Tom have developed a unique approach to trading the market.
Over two full days, you will learn the proven trading strategies that they use to make consistent profits in the market. But, more importantly, you will be shown how to develop the mindset that you MUST have in order to become consistently profitable yourself.
Can I really make consistent profits in the market?
After completing the course, you will be invited to be a member of the Live Trading Room for three weeks. During market hours, Tom and Dr. Paul share each and every trade that they take live and explain the reasons why.
To see their recent track record showing how they regularly make 30%+ return on their trading account, click here:
We have managed to negotiate a discount on a very limited number of places on the workshop.
The normal price for the two-day course is £999. To secure a £100 discount, making the cost of the Workshop to you just £899, call Nisa now on 07789-870735 and let her know that you are from the Traders & Investors Club.
Included in the price is a three-week membership of the Live Trading Room. Furthermore, if you wish, you may attend the Workshop again during the next six months for a small admin fee.
Because this is a Live Trading Workshop, you will have the opportunity to trade alongside Tom and Dr. Paul in realtime. Several previous Workshop attendees have made enough to pay for the whole workshop during the two days. How cool is that!
In order to secure your discount, Call Nisa now on 07789-870735.