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Trading The Euro WIth The Commitment Of Traders Report
A link to the slideset is below.
Please excuse the poor audio quality of the presentation.
Is It Really Possible To Outperform The Stock Market?
This presentation was originally delivered by Kevin Barry of the Traders & Investors Club at the World Money Show in London in November 2012.

Today's Economic Crisis - An Emerging Markets Perspective
Martin has more than twenty years of management and banking experience at a senior level in Emerging Markets as well as a track record in syndicated loans, secondary loan trading, debt restructuring, structured finance, new issues and bond syndicate, funds management and private equity.
In this presentation, Martin explains why he believes that today's crisis is far more serious a
Trading FX On Strength - A Weekly Strategy
Martin explains how he assesses the strength of each currency on a daily and weekly basis and ranks them from strongest to weakest.

Market Roundup - 17th July 2012
As Market Roundup fans will know, we have repeatedly referred to bond yields to illustrate that the scare-mongering around impending hyper-inflation was always something of a crock.
The fact is that deleveraging continues apace and deflation is the beast in
Trading The Fundamentals With Instructus
Giles Johnston began his career on the floor of the Stock Exchange, during the Big Bang in 1986, trading for Nat-West markets.
Market Roundup - 22nd May 2012
When establishing a vineyard, the grower will plant a rose bush at the end of every row of vines.
The Influence Of The Sun On Financial Markets And The Macro Economy
In this fascinating presentation, John discusses:
Solar sunspot and geomagnetism cycles are behind economic cycles of growth and inflation
Geomagnetism and lunar phasing are key influences of market sentiment
Market Roundup - 20th March 2011
However, we are not hanging up our bear suits just yet. A significant technical warning sign is currently flashing in the shape of divergence between the Dow Jones Industrial and Transport indices.
What Can A Trading Coach Do For Me?
The path to becoming a full-time trader requires time and money, whether you choose to spend it on education or on losses in the market. Mentoring is a way to significantly reduce both overheads.
Paul Wallace of Trading Beliefs has been trading for 13 years and educating traders for the last 6.