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Make Trading Your Life, But Before You Quit Your Job........
He will look beyond the seductive bling of Rolex watches and sports cars that are commonly associated with traders and focus instead upon some of the not-so-glamorous aspects of trading that make the difference between failure and long-term success. Jeff will also be discussing the reality behind trading from the beach or the ski slopes and shows how it really can be done with proper planning and discipline.
How does Jeff know? Because he does it.
For those of you looking to take your trading up a notch from part-time to full-time, he will be outlining a transition plan to implement before you quit your job and reveals some of the short cuts to success that he has discovered along the way.
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trading for a living
trading as a profession
trading from the beach
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Great video. I've not heard the logistics of trading (beyond the actual trading itself) described in such an in-depth and organised way before.
Great video. I've not heard the logistics of trading (beyond the actual trading itself) described in such an in-depth and organised way before.
Great video. I've not heard the logistics of trading (beyond the actual trading itself) described in such an in-depth and organised way before.
Hi Hamid - thanks very much for your feedback. Its always nice to hear. Happy Trading!