I shall assume that you are refering to EMED the mining stock. The company primarily mines for gold and copper.
From a fundamental perspective, I would personally avoid buying mining stocks in the current climate. The recent bad news out of China has helped the mining sector to decline further. Also, the spot prices of both gold and copper are in a downtrend.
Technically, the price chart has been in a range for several years. Like any other junior mining stock, it is a high-risk investment. If they strike luckly, then the price should rise.
For a trade signal, I would be waiting for a breakout of the 2008 highs circa 30p with confirmation from both the sector and commodity spot prices.
EMED has been a jam tomorrow miner as long as I can remember. Kevin is correct, it is a high risk stock and against falling commodity prices and a temporary (maybe) overstock of copper and slow down in China, and Eurozone risk given some of the assets are Spanish, I wouldn't be a buyer at this time but....as with all high risk junior resource stocks, if one waits for it all to be OK, the big gains are missed. Place your bets.
Hello Elise,
Thank you for your question.
I shall assume that you are refering to EMED the mining stock. The company primarily mines for gold and copper.
From a fundamental perspective, I would personally avoid buying mining stocks in the current climate. The recent bad news out of China has helped the mining sector to decline further. Also, the spot prices of both gold and copper are in a downtrend.
Technically, the price chart has been in a range for several years. Like any other junior mining stock, it is a high-risk investment. If they strike luckly, then the price should rise.
For a trade signal, I would be waiting for a breakout of the 2008 highs circa 30p with confirmation from both the sector and commodity spot prices.
Hope it helps.
EMED has been a jam tomorrow miner as long as I can remember. Kevin is correct, it is a high risk stock and against falling commodity prices and a temporary (maybe) overstock of copper and slow down in China, and Eurozone risk given some of the assets are Spanish, I wouldn't be a buyer at this time but....as with all high risk junior resource stocks, if one waits for it all to be OK, the big gains are missed. Place your bets.