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Traders & Investors Club Meeting - 14th December 2010
As the end of 2010 approaches, we are faced with increasing risk on several fronts.
Investors are once again getting nervous. The Eurozone sovereign debt cum banking crisis gets worse by the day. Are Spain and Portugal next in line to be bailed out? The odds on a bail-out have significantly increased in recent times. Why? As Sir Humphrey once remarked in Yes Minister, "You can never be certain that something is about to happen until the Government starts to deny it".
And all of this against a backdrop of the inevitable slowing of growth in China and the spectre of the dreaded double-dip raising its head once more.
Can we as investors take action to protect our assets during the 'exciting' times ahead?
As Barack Obama once remarked at the Traders & Investors Club, "Yes, we can!"
Our next meeting is another one that you can't afford to miss.
But, more importantly (I hear you ask), will Teresa's legendary mince pies and ginger wine be freely available this evening?
"Yes, they will!"
Edge Versus The Odds - The Kelly Criterion
Utkarsh Gadodia of the Traders & Investors Club discusses the principles of portfolio diversification using real life examples from legendary investors such as Warren Buffet and George Soros as well as the paradox of the Efficient Market Hypothesis and shows that these legendary investors make good use of the Kelly Criterion for investing and

Market Roundup - 14th December 2010