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Market Roundup - 17th July 2012
As Market Roundup fans will know, we have repeatedly referred to bond yields to illustrate that the scare-mongering around impending hyper-inflation was always something of a crock.
The fact is that deleveraging continues apace and deflation is the beast in the cellar of which we all should be afraid.
This week, our hapless regulators have cranked up the printing presses yet again. Surely, that should have given stocks and commodities a welcome boost? Alas, it was not to be. Both asset classes actually fell into the week's close.
WIth the BofE base rate at its lowest for 300 years and the printing presses already having created the equivalent of £12,000 in new money for every UK household, it is clear that we are still mired in a Keynesian liquidity trap.
As traders, can we still make money in these economic conditions?
To quote our old friend, Barak Obama, "Yes, we can".